Purchase the Terreal Range

Terreal offers a tile that provides both performance and looks. Their extensive range of products is ideal for both bold contemporary designs and traditional roofs that blend in with local styles and heritage.

Terreal has 11 production sites, enabling a wide range of choices of over 60 Roof Tile ranges to suit every style and tradition. We stock the colours of New Forest Mix, Purple and Burgundy. If needed, we are happy to order other colours for customers.

Purchase Terreal Rustique Range

The Rustique tile has a strong regional identity and traditional aesthetic appeal, making it the ideal solution for authentic roofs and graceful houses. It brings the final touch of elegance thanks to its warm and finelyshaded colours.

Made in Normandy, the Rustique a genuine old-style tile whose varied tones add that note of warmth which will make roofs attractive.

Discover today its sophisticated 2 new colours:Burgundy Sandfaced and Purple.